Time To Shut Canada Down Until People Care About Food & Freedom And Our Children's Future Over (FAKE 'COVID' Fear) !!! REMEMBER THE IMPORTANT THINGS 🇨🇦 #BearHUG - TrudeauMustGo #O'toolMustGO
Ottawa: The vibe is incredible down here!! 🇨🇦♥️🇨🇦 TRUCK YOU TRUDEAU!! THANK YOU TRUCKERS!! 🇨🇦♥️🇨🇦 #freedomconvoy2022 #truckersforfreedom #ConvoyForFreedom
Powerful speech from Ottawa today by Tamara Lich (I believe) that brought me to tears. You are not alone. End the mandates. End The Lies. End The Fear. #freedomconvoy2022 #ottawa #freedom #canada