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3 years agoThe FLOE Show 1: Who's pulling the strings on the Great Reset global putsch?ForLifeonEarth
3 years agopt 2 of 14 Pop Up Vax Centres and Employers Mandating the Jab contravene Informed ConsentDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 4 of 14 Leaked Pfizer documents and the misconception of indemnity provisionsDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 3 of 14, The 3 broken Oaths, Justice, Medical and Parliamentary 2000 Years Of Law being trashedDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 7 of 14 Open Letter Re Vaccination Mandates Employers and the Nuremburg CodeDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 10 of 14 ALL 319 MP's who voted for mandatory Jabs for care workers and notices of liabilityDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 11 of 14 Australia and UK and the sworn Coronation Oath, 1953, citizens making arrests.DuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 12 of 14 People now need to be standing up and refusing to comply and this is how you can do itDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 9 of 14 MP's in breach of the parliamentary oath, are arrests expected? and problems with JudgesDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 8 of 14 Children and the Jab, Law firm sending notices of liability to the Heads all schoolsDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 13 of 14 Senior lawyer Anna De Buisseret talks about coercion to accept the JabDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 6 of 14, 123 years of face mask studies show secondary bacterial lung infections and organ damageDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law
3 years agopt 5 of 14 Employers enforcing employees to take the Jab Illegal, Unlawful and ImmoralDuneDrifter Covid and Common Law