Are You A Dog or Are You A Pig? Most of You Are Dogs, and The Smartest Are Pigs (Such as The Illuminati). You Don't Have to Be Evil to Be a Pig, Though. | Kurt Metzger and Alex Jones
Why the Case for Elon Musk to Buy MSNBC and INFOWARS is so Strong — Alex Jones Breaks Down the Secrets of Destroying the Woke Mind Virus and Launching the Next Great Renaissance!
Zerohedge Debates Presents: "Should Trump Be The Next President?" Feat. Alex Jones (Roger Stone Couldn’t Make it), Viva Frei, George Papadpoulos, and More! (3/25/24)
🚨 EMERGENCY MESSAGE TO TRUMP AND ALL PATRIOTS AND CONSCIOUS BEINGS/HUMANS 🚨 Alex Jones: "I'm Going to Lay Out The Illuminati Battle-Plan 72 Days From The Inauguration, and Their Plan After That [Assuming We've Made Past That!]
The AMORPHIC Secret of God: Alex Jones and Madonna BOTH (Whaaat?) Describe "God" ABSOLUTELY ACCURATELY and Perfectly! | Every Now and Then Alex Jones Refrains From Appeasing His Core Audience with His God-Fearing Act and Talks the Amorphic Truth