1. Going to Death Mountain - Zelda II Remastered #03

    Going to Death Mountain - Zelda II Remastered #03

  2. A Map To The Future - Zelda II Remastered #06

    A Map To The Future - Zelda II Remastered #06

  3. Island Palace - Zelda II Remastered #05

    Island Palace - Zelda II Remastered #05

  4. Next Palace - Zelda II Remastered #08

    Next Palace - Zelda II Remastered #08

  5. Three Eye Rock Palace - Zelda II Remastered #11

    Three Eye Rock Palace - Zelda II Remastered #11

  6. The Ocean Palace - Zelda II Remastered #09

    The Ocean Palace - Zelda II Remastered #09

  7. To The Grand Palace - Zelda II Remastered #12

    To The Grand Palace - Zelda II Remastered #12

  8. Second Quest - Zelda II Remastered #13

    Second Quest - Zelda II Remastered #13

  9. Maze Palace 04 - Zelda II Remastered #17

    Maze Palace 04 - Zelda II Remastered #17

  10. The Secret Area Remastered Only - Zelda II Remastered #21

    The Secret Area Remastered Only - Zelda II Remastered #21

  11. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Documentary) | 20th Anniversary Retrospective

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Documentary) | 20th Anniversary Retrospective

  12. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #931731109

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #931731109

  13. Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (1987) Full Game Walkthrough [NES]

    Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (1987) Full Game Walkthrough [NES]

  14. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Documentary) | 20th Anniversary Retrospective

    The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Documentary) | 20th Anniversary Retrospective

  15. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #742256922

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #742256922

  16. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #766298767

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #766298767

  17. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #341328794

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #341328794

  18. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #175864886

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #175864886

  19. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link- 100% Playthrough - Part 01 (w/commentary)

    Zelda II: The Adventure of Link- 100% Playthrough - Part 01 (w/commentary)

  20. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #589676867

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #589676867

  21. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #505756301

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Lady Link - Max Rando Seed #505756301

  22. Tchia is a Wonderful Zelda-Like Polynesian Adventure | Review

    Tchia is a Wonderful Zelda-Like Polynesian Adventure | Review

  23. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Part 8 - Saving Kids & Dodging Ghosts

    Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Part 8 - Saving Kids & Dodging Ghosts

  24. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - NES Gameplay

    Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - NES Gameplay

  25. Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Vase Lady - Max Rando Seed #331889769

    Zelda 2 Randomizer: The Adventure of Vase Lady - Max Rando Seed #331889769
