Digital Wallets, Israel War, Oil Prices, and HOPE! - Dr. Kirk Elliott; Porn in Children's Library... What Can YOU Do About It? - Joeylynn Mesaros; We Made the Switch - Leigh Wambsganss | Patriot Mobile - FOC Show
Vaccine Mandate. How Corrupt is the DOJ. Economic Impact of the Palestinian / Israeli Conflict - Breanna Morello; What’s Next for the US Economy? Recession, Exploding Mortgage Rates - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
We are Living in the 3rd Existential Crisis. What Can YOU Do to Fight? - Drew Allen; 2 [ NATURAL ] Ways to Improve Your Eyesight - Dr. Troy Spurrill | FOC Show
LOCKDOWNS | Shutdowns to Lawsuits... What is the RIGHT Thing to Do? - Alfie Oakes; Banks Are Closing Branches and US Treasury Direct Freezes Customers Money - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
CBDCs and BRICS | Now what’s happening with the US dollar and BRICS Expansion… - Clay Clark; All The Things Working Against USD is Helping BRICS - Dr. Kirk Elliott | FOC Show
US DOLLAR | The Collapse of the Dollar, Hamas, Israel, Yuval Noah Harari - Clay Clark; What is the Impossible Burger? What are the EFFECTS? - Dr. Mark Sherwood | FOC Show
FOC Show: Something's Not Right: COVID-19's Return and What You Should Know - Dr. Stella Immanuel; Satan Clubs in Schools… WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT IT? - Moises Esteves