2 years agoBest selling author Brad Olsen presents new information on Nazi Antarctica.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoBRICS nations announce New Global Reserve Currency signalling collapse of the central banking systemmichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoTruth Tour 2 reveals with Lewis Herms, Derick Johnson, Mark Attwood, Baby Trump and many more.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoMacron of France will resign as Dominos fall at a faster pace Sri Lanka, England, who's next?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoDream team of truth annihilates the CIA lies and their false Russian narrative.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoJack Maxey slays the bad actors in the corrupt government, CIA, FBI, DOJ and more.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoWho are the puppet masters behind Black Rock, Vanguard and controls the worlds information?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoTransformation of Firearms using AIR! Hemp Planes 10X stronger than Steel & Powered by Hemp!michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoWorld in turmoil is caused by a mirror of our own consciousness? Gregg Braden reveals.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoNicholas Veniamin and I on Kanye West, Financial Collapse & Smart Metersmichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoHow to develop your mental discipline and focus as the desired systems collapse accelerates.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoThe worldwide Covid death rate is 15,000 per week. Why haven't jabs worked?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoIsmael Perez shares Galactic updates along with Space Force connections the future of humanity.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoOle Dammegard on CIA Black Operative, Patsies, Oklahoma Bombing and political connections.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoIsmael Perez shares latest on near term events, timelines, solar flash and galactic travel.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoPsychic insights for the month of October. Looking rocky so how can you navigate the coming month?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoNicholas Veniamin and I discuss SCOTUS has decertified last election and will reveal soon.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoQuad shot Weekend at Biden's as Brandon is said to be sick again? 25th Amendmentmichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoNick Alvear divulges his Netflix of Red Pills, Rabbit Holes & Weird History.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoThe system collapse is going to move into hyperdrive soon. Be fearless and ready for cra cra.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoHemorrhagic virus is coming next. What top billionaires are saying about economic direction?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoThe ultimate disclosure with Jason Shurka and Ray will soon be out and it will be epic! Watch Free!michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoInflation & economic collapse coming for many countries. Suspect food factory fires every few days.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoWill the coming election in November be stopped and not happen as scheduled?michaelj5326Verified