What Sets Our Education Information Delivery Aside From The Wrong Tip Of The Spear? We Belive In The Human Ability To Learn If Presented The Correct Information!
As soon as you realized how much they ALL LIED the past 5 years, you won't be able to stop yourself from calling them out everywhere everyday on their Feeds Of continued LIES!
Controlling genes with light New technique can rapidly turn genes on and off, helping scientists better understand their function. Anne Trafton, MIT 2013
Zeee media, Alex CIA Jones, Health Ranger, HOPEGIRL, Jane Rubinstine, And All The FRAUDS Selling Product During War Times! We See Right Through You FRAUD GRIFTERS And We're Comming For Your Viewers! MAY THE BEST MAN WIN!
They are still telling eachother that its the "mark of the beast" and "moderna gave them a demon field" in the form of a "Bioweapon" this is why education & Terminologies are so very important!
Nano‐bio Interface and Intrinsic Bioactivity of Biomimetic Nanoparticles: Dr. Ennio Tasciotti, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Nanomedicine, Institute for Academic Medicine, Director Center for Biomimetic Medicine
Controlling genes with light New technique can rapidly turn genes on and off, helping scientists better understand their function. Anne Trafton, MIT 2013