Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Target of Assassination Plot/Rapper 50 Cent Trolls Jay-Z for Red Carpet Appearance/Expect A Wild Ride (Up & Down) In Markets From Here/Vaxxed Are Are Causing ‘Serious Side Effects’ in Unvaxxed/ Researcher Who
People Reporting That Strange Fog Has Made Them Sick/ Names Conservative Italian Prime Minister Meloni as ‘The Most Powerful Person in Europe’/Border Patrol Union President Warns Democrat Sanctuary Cities: ‘Take Trump at His Word’
More from China. 🇨🇳 ⚠️If you try to enter public transport with a yellow QR code immediately an alarm goes off. ⚠️If your QR code is not green, you are cut off from society with no access to transport, food and even your residential unit!