MENSAHE KAY #PresidentBongBongMarcos #RaffyTulfo OFW Employment (Reaction Video) 2023 Senator Robin Padilla - Regency Furniture LLC Did Not Paid Settlement - US Supreme Court Complaints - DLLR - EEOC - Douglas W. Desmarais Esq - Cheri L. Cannon Esq - USA
Citizens of Ukraine confirm Ukrainian forces are firing on their own people. Notice how nobody around her is disagreeing or calling her out? She even references the kindergarden that was blown up... the same one that got non-stop MSM coverage.
Low Budget Underground Getaway family Homes For The Looming Threats #NWOsdgs2030 - It Is Time To Build Our Free Communities and Get Ready for The New Bartering System For The Non Complying Type #Digitalid #SocialCredit - #HONKHONK #TrudeauForTreason
The REAL Totalitarian Globalist NWO Crime Syndicate Profiteering Privateer Servant Bill Gates Orders CORPORATE Govt's To Blacklist CORPORATE Citizens Who Share 'Non-Mainstream' PROPAGANDA Content Online