1. Watch how immune cell chases bacteria and eliminates them

    Watch how immune cell chases bacteria and eliminates them

  2. Automatic Garden Watering System Dripper Spike.

    Automatic Garden Watering System Dripper Spike.

  3. Innovative material handling system Conveyors are good at moving goods from point A to B

    Innovative material handling system Conveyors are good at moving goods from point A to B

  4. Fascinating explanation of Vortex it occur in nature in many forms tornadoes, whirlpools, etc

    Fascinating explanation of Vortex it occur in nature in many forms tornadoes, whirlpools, etc

  5. The FarmBot Project: This open source farming machine can feed daily one person throughout the year!

    The FarmBot Project: This open source farming machine can feed daily one person throughout the year!

  6. A white blood cell chasing bacteria in the body … YOUR immune system is a miracle

    A white blood cell chasing bacteria in the body … YOUR immune system is a miracle

  7. This is how the solar system ACTUALLY moves through space

    This is how the solar system ACTUALLY moves through space

  8. Smart parking Rotary Parking System Solution

    Smart parking Rotary Parking System Solution

  9. Virtual/Augmented Reality Anatomy New virtual dissection table displays the life-size i 3D image

    Virtual/Augmented Reality Anatomy New virtual dissection table displays the life-size i 3D image

  10. La vita DOPO LA MORTE (quindi è sottinteso che tutti si muore eh) nell'antica mitologia egizia dell'occultura massonica giudaico greco-romana-egizia pagana satanico gnostica volete contraddire forse i vostri dei egizi??non penso

    La vita DOPO LA MORTE (quindi è sottinteso che tutti si muore eh) nell'antica mitologia egizia dell'occultura massonica giudaico greco-romana-egizia pagana satanico gnostica volete contraddire forse i vostri dei egizi??non penso

  11. Il culto del dio egizio ATUM della triade solare egizia di RA, la cui forma al mattino era Khepri, a mezzogiorno Re-Horakhty e alla sera Atum dell'occultura massonica giudaico greco-romana-egizia pagana satanico gnostica

    Il culto del dio egizio ATUM della triade solare egizia di RA, la cui forma al mattino era Khepri, a mezzogiorno Re-Horakhty e alla sera Atum dell'occultura massonica giudaico greco-romana-egizia pagana satanico gnostica

  12. Using only Lacoste logos to create artwork of René Lacoste. Art by Deniz Sağdıç

    Using only Lacoste logos to create artwork of René Lacoste. Art by Deniz Sağdıç

  13. It’s amazing to learn about ancient medicine, here the mummification process in monarchs of ancient

    It’s amazing to learn about ancient medicine, here the mummification process in monarchs of ancient

  14. "Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion." -Michael Jordan

    "Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion." -Michael Jordan

  15. Smart technology This printer can print directly onto the wall

    Smart technology This printer can print directly onto the wall

  16. Advice is, when you judge someone, it doesn't define the person that you're judging. It defines you

    Advice is, when you judge someone, it doesn't define the person that you're judging. It defines you

  17. Most companies have this type of employee. I work but don't get my hands dirty.

    Most companies have this type of employee. I work but don't get my hands dirty.

  18. It can be tough to keep up with all the new languages and tools that come out every year.

    It can be tough to keep up with all the new languages and tools that come out every year.

  19. The man who saved two children from this flood despite being in danger of death. You are the Hero .

    The man who saved two children from this flood despite being in danger of death. You are the Hero .

  20. Mexican Rescue Workers saved a stranded Labrador from the Flood waters brought on by Hurricane Eta.

    Mexican Rescue Workers saved a stranded Labrador from the Flood waters brought on by Hurricane Eta.

  21. JavaScript Visualized an excellent animated deep-dive on how JS core concepts work under the hood

    JavaScript Visualized an excellent animated deep-dive on how JS core concepts work under the hood

  22. Here's Yann LeCun in 1993 demonstrating LeNet-1..#neuralnetworks #machinelearning #datascience #ai

    Here's Yann LeCun in 1993 demonstrating LeNet-1..#neuralnetworks #machinelearning #datascience #ai

  23. Keep rocking and..."Let your actions do your talking for you".[Dwayne Johnson]

    Keep rocking and..."Let your actions do your talking for you".[Dwayne Johnson]
