Return of The Sovereign Redneck Truth-Truther Show: Illuminati on it’s Last Leg, But This Also Means That Coming Up are Their Most Nefarious Events! + False Celebrity-Truthers with “Bullshit” (That’s a Quote) Fantasies, and More... (8/30/23)
Spiritual Principles, Not Christian. — They Still Fucked it Up Anyway! (The Illuminati-Infiltrated Faction of the Freemasons) | Jean Noland of "Inspired".
Ya Try to do the Right Thing Only to Ultimately Get Caught Up in White Hat Drama, and You Gotta ask Yourself ‘Was it Worth it?’! The White Hats Had Other Plans.. So Let Them! And You Live Your Best Life!! | Trump Responds to Sidney Powell's Plea
Another Trump Lawyer Checks Out! Are the Tears Over Being Broken by the Illuminati (Upper-Echelon Communists), or Over Being Abandoned by the "White Hats".. OR BOTH? I Do Not Officially Consider This "Turning on Trump".
You Create Your Demons, Simultaneously Believing They’re Not Fair—Pointing Your Finger at What’s “Not Fair” and Not Realizing That You Create EVERYTHING. Thus EVERYTHING is Fair! #Brat. Then One Day You Wake Up.. #YouHaveNoPowerOverMe!
Vintage Alex Jones (2010–2020): He Told You ALL up to a Decade Before it Happened, and all He Did was Read THEIR OWN Written Literature! In Other Words, He Fucking Paid Attention. | Replacement Migration—The Globalist Plan To Destroy The West
Medical/Service Industry Workers Call the Alex Jones Show to Confirm Upcoming New COVID Lockdowns, and Mask and Vaccine Mandates! — DO NOT COMPLY, OR YOU’L BE PARTAKING IN AND TAKING ON THE UNFAVORABLE KARMA OF LOW-TIER HUMANS ON THE KARMIC WHEEL.
Breaking Exclusive Details: Biden's Plan to Install New Covid Restrictions! (Masks, Lockdowns, and New Jabs) + Alex Jones Plans to Learn What Areas of the U.S. Will be Particularly Affected.
“An Assessment" Report: NATO's Military Study and Analysis of Alien Presence Implications on Earth! | Bob Dean Interviewed by Regina Meredith (Flashback Interview)
Exposing the Deep Underground American Military Base in Dulce, NM with Grey Alien Workers. — Phil Schneider’s Infamous Whistleblowing Event Seminar! | Circa 1995 #Vintage #Legendary #RealDealBeforeQtales
What Happened After the Fall of Atlantis, Who are the Lemurians in Comparison, Can America Fulfill it’s Destiny as the New Atlantis without Failing/Falling? + The Significance of the Year 2012!