1. "I should Tell Puppey about him" Gorgc on 15yr old Rank 28 The Next Nisha | Dota 2

    "I should Tell Puppey about him" Gorgc on 15yr old Rank 28 The Next Nisha | Dota 2

  2. MATUMBAMAN is Arteezy's fav Carry Player | Dota 2

    MATUMBAMAN is Arteezy's fav Carry Player | Dota 2

  3. Valve Anti-Cheat system (VAC) Message in Middle of Eastern Europe Qualifiers Dota 2

    Valve Anti-Cheat system (VAC) Message in Middle of Eastern Europe Qualifiers Dota 2

  4. "Ahhhhhhh" Arteezy Chan Real Voice Leaked in Dota 2 Stream

    "Ahhhhhhh" Arteezy Chan Real Voice Leaked in Dota 2 Stream

  5. Wild Pack of Meepo's appeared in The Berlin Major Dota 2

    Wild Pack of Meepo's appeared in The Berlin Major Dota 2

  6. Nisha Laughing after Outplaying Tundra | Dota 2

    Nisha Laughing after Outplaying Tundra | Dota 2

  7. miCKe & Boxi Reaction after Diving 9 Panda's Base in 12mins | Dota 2

    miCKe & Boxi Reaction after Diving 9 Panda's Base in 12mins | Dota 2

  8. " Why I join The Train wreck" Gorgc Reacts to OLDG losing their Spot in WEU DPC CQ | Dota 2

    " Why I join The Train wreck" Gorgc Reacts to OLDG losing their Spot in WEU DPC CQ | Dota 2

  9. OG Streamer Gorgc on OLD G Disband | Dota 2

    OG Streamer Gorgc on OLD G Disband | Dota 2

  10. Arteezy Raze Quit GG and Disconnected in The Middle Of Team Fight at The Berlin Major Dota 2

    Arteezy Raze Quit GG and Disconnected in The Middle Of Team Fight at The Berlin Major Dota 2

  11. Taiga's Techies: Welcome To Hell Artour "Nice Aegis Nerd" | The Berlin Major Dota 2

    Taiga's Techies: Welcome To Hell Artour "Nice Aegis Nerd" | The Berlin Major Dota 2

  12. RodjER on How RAMZES Intentionally Died to Tormentor to Bait Tundra | Dota 2

    RodjER on How RAMZES Intentionally Died to Tormentor to Bait Tundra | Dota 2

  13. Dota 2 Pro Players on Medusa Meta

    Dota 2 Pro Players on Medusa Meta

  14. Sneyking & 33 Reaction when They met Kiyotaka's Tinker in UB Semifinals of Berlin Major Dota 2

    Sneyking & 33 Reaction when They met Kiyotaka's Tinker in UB Semifinals of Berlin Major Dota 2

  15. "I would ask forsen to do something together" Gorgc on his fellow Swedish Streamer | Dota 2

    "I would ask forsen to do something together" Gorgc on his fellow Swedish Streamer | Dota 2

  16. Gorgc find it hard to believe that his Viewers are Normal Peoples IRL | Dota 2

    Gorgc find it hard to believe that his Viewers are Normal Peoples IRL | Dota 2

  17. "Saksa Doesn't Like Mikey" - Gorgc asking whats The Beef Between Saksa and Mikey | Dota 2

    "Saksa Doesn't Like Mikey" - Gorgc asking whats The Beef Between Saksa and Mikey | Dota 2

  18. closer look at Nisha playing Dota Left-Handed

    closer look at Nisha playing Dota Left-Handed

  19. RAMZES doesn't wanna talk to a Coach Bring him The Quinn | Dota 2

    RAMZES doesn't wanna talk to a Coach Bring him The Quinn | Dota 2

  20. Grubby reached Ancient 3 Half way to Divine | Dota 2

    Grubby reached Ancient 3 Half way to Divine | Dota 2

  21. Met 8 years age in a Dota 2 PUB to Feeding Together Rest of The Life

    Met 8 years age in a Dota 2 PUB to Feeding Together Rest of The Life

  22. "The King has left The Throne" - Gorgc on Sumail Leaving Team Nigma To Join Aster | Dota 2

    "The King has left The Throne" - Gorgc on Sumail Leaving Team Nigma To Join Aster | Dota 2

  23. "Salary Is Too F Good" - Gorgc on Div1 Player Yuma playing for Div2 Team Nigma Galaxy | Dota 2

    "Salary Is Too F Good" - Gorgc on Div1 Player Yuma playing for Div2 Team Nigma Galaxy | Dota 2

  24. "BZM The Kid from The Mid" - OG Yuragi Interview The Bald Brother of PyrionFlax | Dota 2

    "BZM The Kid from The Mid" - OG Yuragi Interview The Bald Brother of PyrionFlax | Dota 2
