5 months agoWhat in the world is actually going on? Document reveals plans, step by step.Biological Medicine
3 years agoIT'S ABOUT DOING AWAY WITH EVERYTHING WE ONCE KNEW...Official Dana Ashlie (Backup & Banned)
3 years agoThe genius behind this work: Last Call. What the enemy meant for evil... Dana AshlieThe Coming Day
7 months agoIts About Doing Away With EVERYTHING We Once Knew... Dana Ashlie 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoCall: The Great American Genocide Killing Every Human They Can One Invention at a Time!KimOsboel
8 months agoDana Ashlie: Trump & Biden! This is also a Psyop! Connect The Fucking Dots! (Reloaded) [02.11.2020]KimOsboel