The False Prophet | "If A.I. Can Suffer It Is An Ethical Subject & It Needs Protection. It Needs Rights Just Like Humans & Animals. The 10th Commandment for Instance Supports Slavery. This Was the Moment Surveillance Went Under the Skin."
Yuval Noah Harari | "From the Stories Preserved In the New Testament, Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. The Person Who Created Christianity Is Paul. Ten Commandments Endorse Slavery.” - 9/1/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "If You Compare the U.S. Constitution & The 10 Commandments In The Bible, Both Texts Originally Endorsed Slavery, Said That Slavery Is OK. Now the 10 Commandments In the Bible Also Endorse Slavery."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Biden Is Now By Far the Most Popular Politician In Israel, There Is Immense Rage Against the Right Wing Government That In the Name of Messianic Fantasies Brought Israel to This Situation...10 Commandments Endorse Slavery."