2 years ago100 Days of Believing Bigger | Day 93 | Own Your Gifts | Christian Devotional Journal Online GroupLife Among the Wildflowers
2 years ago100 Days of Believing Bigger | Day 91 | Releasing the Old with Courage | Christian Devotional StudyLife Among the Wildflowers
1 year agoDAY 46- "THE TESTIMONY OF OTHERS" (1Kingdoms (1 Samuel) 12:3-4)- "The Qualities of Great Leadership"Campbellfamily07
1 year agoDAY 53: "MAY GOD RULE IN YOUR MIDST" (Matthew 6:10)- "Not as I will, but as You Will"Campbellfamily07
1 year agoEvening Bible Study (1Corinthians 1:1017, & Matthew 14:14-22) “Unity & Compassion”Campbellfamily07