4 days agoVIEWING INSIDE PFIZER (LUCIFER) VACCINE - Una mirada rápida dentro de la "vacuna" Pfizer (Lucifer).FLR00
3 years ago科興* 發現藏有 (石墨烯)!科興、輝瑞(復必汰)、阿屍利康 毒金屬成份揭露!Graphene 0x!de detected in S!novac (C0R0N@V@C), Astr@Zenec@ and Pf!zer vials!Covid Vaccines Truth 新冠疫苗真相揭露 | 666獸印 | 疫苗護照|ID2020|5G病毒|變種病毒 @ 香港耶路撒冷Hong Kong Jerusalem
3 years agoWorld Wide Rally for Freedom, London 19th March 2022 - Part 10: in picturesTheseAreInterestingTimes
3 years agoLondres : Manifestations contre le pass vaccinal ; Pfizer prépare un vaccin pour les enfantsNTD Français
3 years agoL’OMS est corrompue et sa gestion de la crise du coronavirus est une nouvelle preuveVivre Sainement
2 years agoWhy A Dictatorship Could Crumble: "Young Cubans... have not been brainwashed."MatrixToFreedomVerified
2 years agoMiles Guo : La nouvelle flambée sera la combinaison des désastres des vaccins et du virusle Zhendaoisme
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3 years agoVACINAS PICADINHAS Detox Para Retirar do corpo metais pesados + anticoagulante natural 15-99644-8181KIKODOBEM
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3 years agoCovid cures that narcissists will try to keep from your. India vs Brazil. Chili updateHenrik Wallin English
1 year agoTime for Boomers to step aside! (#1701) & now Biden wants to limit Americans to 2 beers per week!jefforavits
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3 years agoLevée du secret médical, reconnaissance faciale, terrorisme s’invitent dans l’écoleNTD Français