Peter Navarro | De-Dollarization Accelerates As BRICS Pay Has Been Launched!!! + Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner? "The BRICS Group Is Set to Launch a New Currency Backed By Gold." - RT News
Yuval Noah Harari | "Self-Driving Vehicles Are About to Save About A Million Lives Every Year! Developing AIs Will Consume Alot of Energy. But They Could Also Find New Sources of Energy, Preventing Ecological Collapse."
General Flynn | Dollar Collapse? Trump’s Gag Order, Universal Basic Income & Hamas Referenced In the Bible? Yuval Noah Harari Pushing New World Order? Ezekiel 38: 1-6 (GOG = Prince, Ruler or The Head & Magog = Modern Russian) + Eric Trump
Robin Bullock | Robin Bullock; How do they Destroy OUR Money? Is the Collapse of the Dollar Around the Corner? The Great Reset & the CBDC Digital Control Grid Agenda Explained
Dollar Collapse | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer. There We Be A Slow Decline In the Value of the Dollar." - George Soros (2009) + Soros Explains Why He Confiscated Property from the
Dollar Collapse | "It's Bigger Than Losing Any War (Losing the Dollar As the World's Reserve Currency), You Take a Look At What's Happening to Our Dollar With Countries Not Using It. China Wants to Replace It With the Chinese Yuan.&quo
The Great Reset | What's Wrong w/ That?! Special Gameshow Edition Featuring the Exposure of: The Great Reset Agenda, Klaus Schwab, CBDCs, Yuval Noah Harari, the Collapse of the Dollar, The End of Human History, the A.I. Agenda, & Marina Abramovic
Bo Polny & Andy Schectman | Dollar Collapse | Will the Price of Precious Metals Blow Vertical As the Dollar Collapses? Andy Schectman's Most Eye-Opening Interview!?! BRICS, CBDCs, the Collapse of the Dollar & The Great Reset
Bank Collapse | Are We Watching the Intentional Destruction of the Banking System? (With Lara Trump & Andrew Sorchini) + The Connection Between BRICS, Inflation and Central Bank Digital Currencies
General Flynn & Andy Schectman | BRICS | The Collapse of the Dollar...Little By Little Since 1971...Then All At Once...Is De-Dollarization Happening NOW?! Are CBDCs Around the Corner? What Are Bail-Ins?