2 years agoGarmin Vivoactive 4, GPS Smartwatch, Features Music, Body Energy Monitoring, Animated Workouts,...Health And Fitness Zone
1 month agoBrad Olsen back from Malaysia ~ update, fires, DEW's, FBI, CIA,plane crashes,upcoming events,1/31 #366TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
6 days agoJeff Younger live update 3/12: Transgender Agenda: A Texas father stands for his son! #388TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
1 month agoPatriot Underground Live 2/5 An in depth, heartfelt, freeflow conversation on where we are at and where we are going #368TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
1 month agoChill with Joe, Scott and Special guests Mark Abrahams, Frank Priebe and Debbie Pinkham Torrance live 2/14 #372TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
24 days agoJourney to Truth Podcast joins us live 2/21 their journey, events, Aaron's book, people love this chat! #375TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
23 days ago1st 50 min Joe and Scott Chill with E Smitty, 2nd hour Michelle Melendez: The Great Maui Landgrab and LA fires: Live 2/23 #376TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
9 months agoDerek Johnson: Breaking Intel, The Music Industry 1:33:30 ish mark, His new book The Royal Flush of Country Music TruthStream #264 links belowTruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
9 months agoE Smitty, Sound Alive Records, Music Distribution, Artist Promotion TruthStream #263TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified
10 months agoPascal Najadi Live 4/25/24: links below! Doubles, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, JFK and JR, Donald Marshall new book #1 on amazon in Reptiles and Amphibians TruthStream #253 4/25/24TruthStream with Joe and ScottVerified