THE BODY IS DEATH, CHAINS OF DARKNESS BUT THE SPIRIT IS ETERNAL FOREVER, BEING IN SUBJECTION UNTO THE FATHER OF SPIRITS…. “But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” 🕎 Job 3;10-22 KJV
#312 Maricopa County’s Public Records Requests EXPOSE Voter & Ballot Totals For The Nov 8, 2022 Election Appear To Be FRAUDLENT! County ADMITS NO Receipts To Verify Totals…NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Where Are “our leaders?” | SG ANON
Ian F Akildiz: Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) Programming "Viruses" Wirelessly Inside The Body, Track & Trace-Quarantine - "You Can Be Re-Programed (DUAL USE) And Killed"