4 years agoHow Anybody Can Pray & Receive Answers -- Norman Edwards Bible Teaching #003Norman Edwards Bible Teaching
2 years agoGod is working out His plan in all of your circumstances! #shorts #bibleteaching #theology #trustgodPreaching for God's Glory
2 years agoBibleTeaching: Revelation 17 (2) A Fresh Look with UnderstandingJohn McTernan's InsightsVerified
1 year agoDAY 92: "Casting Our Cares Unto the Lord" (1 Peter 5:7)- "Light Afflictions"Campbellfamily07
1 year agoDAY 95: "PAINFUL REMINDERS" (Acts 14:19)- "Our Faith is made perfect in Christ."Campbellfamily07
1 year agoDAY 103: "GODLINESS AND PERSECUTION" (2 Timothy 3:12)-: These Two Go Together...Campbellfamily07
1 year agoDAY 78: "GO" (Matthew 28:19)- "Pick Up Your Cross and Follow Christ" (Matthew 16:24)Campbellfamily07
1 year agoDAY 96: "WHILE HE PRAYED" (Luke 3:21-22)- "Prayer Leads to Divine Appointments..."Campbellfamily07