A panel of AI-enabled humanoid robots take the microphone at a United Nations conference with the message: they could eventually run the world better than humans
US ‘Propaganda & Censorship’ Agency Shut Down/Graphic Designer Shocked as Advanced Software Exposes Obama’s Birth Certificate as Fake/California Bird Flu ‘Emergency’ Is Psychological Bioterrorism Says Dr Malone/Dead Body Found in Wheel Well
Share this far and wide!!!! JULY 30th 2022 CANADA WIDE. Very first boots on the ground copy of the informed consent what better place then YVR airport this is the beginning of the end of the C-19 mandate
Business Podcast | "The Fish Don't Just Jump In the Boat. You Better Go Out There & Do It Yourself. Go Do Some Work." - Tom Brady + Interview with Best-Selling Author Jon Gordan On How to Create Traction In Your Life