Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!
Tucker Carlson: "I'm Happy to Say Most Democrats are Bad, BUT I Wouldn't be Sincere if I Say Most Republicans are Good!" | Glenn Greenwald Interviews Tucker on Global Populism, the Censorship-Industrial Regime, Israel, and Ukraine.
“You Have to be Vulnerable and Genuine Enough to Say ‘I Don’t Want to be in This’, But Strong and Courageous Enough to be in It!” | The TRUE Way to Manifest — Phil Good and Lorie Ladd
When the Wrong Group Does the EBS, But There’s Still Opportunity to Love. NOTE: This Could Very Well Be Predictive Programming, Post-Corrupt Soul—WATCH OBJECTIVELY if You Choose to! “Ghosttown” by Madonna + Live Version at the 2015 iHeart Awards.
Moral of the Story: Bad Things Happen.. to Bad Girls. Even Spirit Guides Can’t Always Save an Unhappy Soul. Revolutionary Video Directed by David Fincher, and the Artist Who Took Music Video to Feature-Film-Quality. “Bad Girl” by Madonna.
Starseed Grieves the Ending of a Relationship 💔 But Remains as Positive as Possible During the Healing Process + Telepathy with His Guides! | Phil Good 2/13/23–Present