2 months agoIs Owen Benjamin trying to kill Covert Radio...??? (I can't deal with his new level of projection!)Covert Radio
1 year agoBEARAPLEGIC speaks out about #owenbenjamin #beartaria Idaho and Missouri land.lizantoinette
1 year agoBarricade Garage Demands Refund for Victims of Owen Benjamin's Beartaria Land Scamlizantoinette
16 hours agoFlat Earth Early Bird 2240 We need World Wide Voluntary Book Burning of Provable 20th Century Historical Lies, Who are we in Relation to Tartaria/Atlantis? & Choose your God and His PriceArwijn
1 year agoBeartaria - Jim Jones TOOK HIS PEOPLE to the WILDERNESS too LOOK at the JAW-DROPPING COMPARISONNut House Video