Nex | Why is Yuval Noah Harari's New Book Title, "Nexus?" What Does the Word "Nex" Mean In Latin? Why Does "Nex" In Latin Mean: To Bind Together, to Murder, Slaughter, & Violent Death | "This Is the End of Human
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Last Story That Still Holds the Country Together Is the Story of the Dollar. It's the Last Thing They Agreement About And Even This Is Under Attack Because You Have the Cryptocurrency People."
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "The Success & Growth I Have Achieved By Implementing Clay Clark's Proven Path! It Has Been Insane! Four Months Into Working Together & It Has Completed Transformed My Business!"
Mike Lindell | Mike Lindell & Clay Clark Share Their 3-Year Journey Together On a Quest to Save America from The Great Reset Including: Being De-Banked, Being Canceled By Media, Having Countless Venues & Vendors Cancel Them, Law-Fare & More