Pete Hegseth Issues a Fiery Warning to the Haters Smearing Him as a “White/'You Are Not Needed...Please Die': Google AI Tells Student He Is 'Drain On The Earth'/vTrump Transition Team Reportedly Drawing Up List of Deceitful Military
More White Hats Head to Border Prepping for Mass Deportation Program/Justin Trudeau Facing Life in Prison on Child Murder Charges if He Loses Election/O’Keefe Media Group: NIH Chief Confesses COVID Health Initiatives Were Completely Made Up… “I Prob
Republicans Take Senate Majority — Ending Brutal Four Years as the Minority/“Classless – A Sore Loser” – Former White House Staffer Disgusted with Kamala’s Behavior After She Refuses to Address Her Supporters on Election Night /v‘A New Dawn
White Hats Arrest US Army General H.R. McMaster, Retd., for Aiding FEMA in Deep State’s “Eminant Domain” Takeover of North Carolina/it's more of a movie than most of us ever imagined!!!
Appeals Court Trashes SEC’s Demands for Board Diversity/DC Food Workers Vow to Commit Economic Suicide by Making the Restaurant Experiences of Incoming Trump Officials Miserable/USAF Documents Expose Purge of ‘Straight White Male Population’ In Offi