Harps and Trumpets Being Heard Around the World, Mechanical Spiritual Gates or Chained Demons + Are We in the End-Times Now? + 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, Second Harvest
Tarot Cards + Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding Really are Spiritual Gifts, God Can Give You More + King Solomon Asked for More Wisdom, He Was Led Astray By His Wives into Witchcraft
Demonic Possession, Demons Can Be Consciously Invited In + The Other Kind of Possession (Involuntary) Begins with Oppression and Becomes a Fight for Your Soul + Sigils, Tokens, Hexes, Spells and Household Products
Witch Battles & Training Partner's Protector Battle Against Chief of Police, Took Place at Neuschwanstein (Real Mothers of Darkness Castle), GHPs and SOLs Present + Jessie's Training Partner Won at the Age of 7, Became Head of Protector Dept
End-Time Ritual, Prophecies for the Anti-Christ, Books Made from Human Skin and Linked to Blood of the Mothers of Darkness + Ritual Prep Left Unfinished Due to Supernatural Intervention + A Horrible Vision + Actual Ritual on April 24, 2020 Also Incomplete
Halloween and the History, Some Organized Halloween Events + Satan Himself Attends Certain Rituals + Magazine Covers, Communications About Rituals, Locations, Quadrants, Who Has to Attend etc.