Old System, Goes All the Way Back to Land of Canaan + Child Trafficking, Tunnel Systems Built by the Knights Templar, Above Ground Indicators + Information on Who's Trafficking in Your Area
Johnny Depp is a Vampire + Vampire Masquerades, Role-Playing Games (RPGs), Ritual Feedings, TV Advert (with a Message?) + Madonna Tried To Run and Get Out of the System, She Was Hunted Down and Brought Back In
King James Version is the Luciferian Brotherhood's Bible, Masons, Misleading Translations, Agape vs Charity, Compare with the New American Standards Bible
Ellen Degeneres During Lockdown, Adrenochrome Withdrawals, Functioning Adrenochromics + Animal Sanctuaries, Bestiality, The Horrific Reality of What Goes On in the System
Justin Bieber's Prayer, Marilyn Manson, No Testimony About Deliverance (Conspicuous By its Absence) + Kanye West and High Priests and High Priestesses + Currencies
Peace, Captives Released + The 4 Ps (Priest, Prophet, Phoenix, Pindar), Barack Obama, Satanic Council, Anti-Christ, Israel, Temple, Red Heifers, The House of One
Sam Smith and Co., Grand High Priest Garb + Vanity Fair Decode (show with David Nino Rodriguez; link in the video description below), Rituals, Five Sufferings + Damar's Mockery of Jesus