1. The bumps in to other guard changing of the guard #toweroflondon

    The bumps in to other guard changing of the guard #toweroflondon

  2. Guard foot slips and marches on #toweroflondon

    Guard foot slips and marches on #toweroflondon

  3. All cocky untill he stamps his foot #toweroflondon

    All cocky untill he stamps his foot #toweroflondon

  4. Uniform inspection the Royal Air force #toweroflondon

    Uniform inspection the Royal Air force #toweroflondon

  5. The kings guard greets the yeomen warden (beef eater) #toweroflondon

    The kings guard greets the yeomen warden (beef eater) #toweroflondon

  6. Make way kings guard paratrooper Walks right in to tourist #toweroflondon

    Make way kings guard paratrooper Walks right in to tourist #toweroflondon

  7. 23 Parachute Engineer guards meet with thr beef eater #toweroflondon

    23 Parachute Engineer guards meet with thr beef eater #toweroflondon

  8. One the Queen's Guards that stood by her coffin #horseguardsparade

    One the Queen's Guards that stood by her coffin #horseguardsparade

  9. The man's got silver style #horseguardsparade

    The man's got silver style #horseguardsparade

  10. Guard shouts don't touch the Reins #thekingsguard

    Guard shouts don't touch the Reins #thekingsguard

  11. The kings guard shouts Make way #horseguardsparade

    The kings guard shouts Make way #horseguardsparade

  12. Touching the Reins he got a vibe #horseguardsparade

    Touching the Reins he got a vibe #horseguardsparade

  13. Male and female guard 39 engineer regiment #toweroflondon

    Male and female guard 39 engineer regiment #toweroflondon

  14. 39 engineer Regiment female guard at the Tower of London #toweroflondon

    39 engineer Regiment female guard at the Tower of London #toweroflondon

  15. 39 engineer regiment guarding the crown jewels #toweroflondon

    39 engineer regiment guarding the crown jewels #toweroflondon

  16. The kings guard 39 engineer regiment stamps his foot #toweroflondon

    The kings guard 39 engineer regiment stamps his foot #toweroflondon

  17. Make way for the King's guard 39 engineer regiment #toweroflondon

    Make way for the King's guard 39 engineer regiment #toweroflondon

  18. Inspection Tower of London Irish regiment #toweroflondon

    Inspection Tower of London Irish regiment #toweroflondon