CAUGHT: NY AG Tish James - Dr. Stella Immanuel; Biden-Linked Ukraine Group - Kinglsey Wilson; Attempt to Block Steve Bannon from Going to Prison - Chase Geiser; Biggest Economic News of our Lifetime - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show
The Quartering: Effort to Block Reports About Muslim Migrants Raping Europeans; The Media Begs For Forgiveness - Owen Shroyer; House Dems Push Back - Gregg Phillips; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show
Breanna Teams Up With Crowder's MugClub: Minor Having Sex With A Convicted Murderer; Judge Threatens Media Outlet - Michael Leahy; CA'S $20 Minimum Wage - JD Rucker; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott | The Breanna Morello Show
Donné & Jane Clement | This Show Is Dedicated to My Friend KAREN: Are We Approaching The Great & Terrible Day of the Lord? What Is the Connection Between Transhumanism, A.I. & Biblical Prophecy?
Army and National Guard Allegedly Abandoned Vaccine Injured Soldier - Dr. Peter McCullough; John Brennan and James Clapper - Dan Epstein; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliott; The White House Just Got Gayer | The Breanna Morello Show
BREAKING: Nashville Shooter's Manifesto RELEASED - Michael Patrick Leahy; Illegal Aliens Are Taking Over American Cities with Violence - Betsy Brantner Smith; Economic Update - Dr. Kirk Elliottt | The Breanna Morello Show