1 month agoThe Flu, No Such Thing - Holistic Health Education! Amandha D Vollmer 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
10 months agoWeather Warfare Caught in the Act. Citizen Whistleblower Proved Attack Was Coming is Being SilencedTheWarAgainstYou
17 days agoDepopulation, PLandemic 2, Vaccines Are Poison! Wake Up! They Are All Psychopaths!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoTrump Gives "Fake Bird Flu" Vaccine Govt Approval To Gene Edit The Chicken & Egg Supply!🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoFake Breakout Warning! 1st Measles Death In 10yrs Beause Of Unvaxed Child! False Flag! 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
20 days agoFri 3-7-25 Storm Prediction & National Interagency Fire Center! AlaskaSkyWatcher🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoTrump Russian Agent Turkey Herpes Chicken, Ozempic Lizards, US Mexico Drones & Trains Planes Autos!AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
1 month agoComputing Reliably with Molecular Walkers ~ Microsoft "DNA computing is emerging as a versatile technology that promises a vast range of applications, including biosensing, drug delivery and synthetic biology"nonvaxer420
1 month agoAdvanced IEEE Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks in IoT Applications RISE 2021 Research and Scholarship Showcase submissionnonvaxer420
1 month agoThe Final Refutal of Virology - THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION IS HERE! Kate Sugak 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
14 days agoMeasles - Seception To Jab Or Not To Jab A Shaking My Head Production 🎯SEE DESC🎯AetherMedia22 Tony Punch
4 years agoWayne Doppler Drops Weather Science on Wages World! Tallest man Alive!Mark Pires Inventor of The BeatSeat: One Man Band Music 10PM EST Daily!Verified