3 years ago'Adventures with Purpose' SCUBA Team Looks for Underwater Junk, Finds Long-Missing PeopleBill Whittle: Conservative Opinion | Humor
1 month agoCNE - Destinations: Christian Island II, Episode 2 - Diving the Thomas Granage & Michigan ShipwrecksCNE - Destinations: Travel, SCUBA Diving & Camping Ch 7
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1 month agoCNE - BTI Dive Team, Diving Thomas Granage Shipwreck Vignette Sept 21, 2019 @CNE-tm1jpCNE - Destinations: Travel, SCUBA Diving & Camping Ch 7
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1 month agoCNE - Destinations - Christian Island II, Episode 1 - Diving the Marquette and Maple Dawn ShipwrecksCNE - Destinations: Travel, SCUBA Diving & Camping Ch 7