SIGHTINGS: U.S. Government Covers Up Military Encounter with UFO, Russian Fighter Pilot Barely Survives UFO Encounter, UFO Hot Spot on Florida, Big Foot Captured on Film, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
LITERALLY ABOUT TO HAPPEN to More and More People if The Illuminati Have Their Way: Two Women and a Child Develop Mysterious Illness After UFO Encounter! | UNSOLVED MYSTERIES
SIGHTINGS: UFO’s in a Culture of Silence, Astronaut’s Outer Space Mission Results in His Inspiration Toward Spirituality and Law of Attraction, Crop Circle Investigation, and NASA's Plans for Mars! (With Special Guest Nick Pope) [1996]
FULL: A Chat w/ A.I. (ChatGPT) Reveals The 144K, While "Q" Had Some Intel is NOT for Humanity, #TheBackfillPeople [NPC's w/ OUT Divine*Spark/Soul] ARE REAL, Klaus Schwab Vs. David Icke, 5G & Covid19, and MORE! | Jean Nolan (Inspired)
SIGHTINGS: Feat. Clifford Stone (S2 E21) — UFO’s Harass the Military, New Bigfoot Footage, and the Same UFO Filmed by 3 Different Sources! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]