3 months agoCan Steinel Do It Well?...10MM Steinel Self Defense AMMO Ballistic Gel Test and Review!Tools&TargetsVerified
1 year agoIL lawmaker's bill requires legislators to take firearms training if they file gun control billsbishoponair
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4 months agoMore Copper Goodness?...9MM Sellier & Bellot XRG Self-Defense AMMO Ballistic Gel Test!Tools&TargetsVerified
6 months agoAre warning shots a good idea in self-defense cases?Utah Concealed and Open Carry training
4 months agoCan Sheddin' Some Weight Make It Great?...9MM Norma MHP 85 Grain Self-Defense AMMO Test!Tools&TargetsVerified
1 year agoYou Won't Believe What This Man is 3D Printing: The Shocking Future of Firearms!The Crypto Vigilante
2 years agoPrepare! What firearm should I have for home defense?Crimelaw with Steven N. GosneyVerified