1. #Science Was His Passion But Not His #Career - Life Bursts Summer

    #Science Was His Passion But Not His #Career - Life Bursts Summer

  2. Bringing You a Burst of Life - Life Bursts Episode 1

    Bringing You a Burst of Life - Life Bursts Episode 1

  3. Advice: Continue to learn - Life Bursts Clips

    Advice: Continue to learn - Life Bursts Clips

  4. You Need to Watch Out Where You Swim...

    You Need to Watch Out Where You Swim...

  5. Understanding the Forces of Nature - Life Bursts Episode 27

    Understanding the Forces of Nature - Life Bursts Episode 27

  6. I Come From "A Land Of Spices" - Life Bursts Episode 38

    I Come From "A Land Of Spices" - Life Bursts Episode 38

  7. Let's Have A Mallet Of A Time - Life Bursts Episode 33

    Let's Have A Mallet Of A Time - Life Bursts Episode 33

  8. He joined the military and his parents were stunned 🤯 - Life Bursts Episode 40

    He joined the military and his parents were stunned 🤯 - Life Bursts Episode 40

  9. Let's wear pink shirts, grab a boat and go fishing! - Life Bursts Episode 44

    Let's wear pink shirts, grab a boat and go fishing! - Life Bursts Episode 44

  10. The BEST marriage proposal explained on Life Bursts (so far) - Life Bursts Clips

    The BEST marriage proposal explained on Life Bursts (so far) - Life Bursts Clips

  11. An unusual peacemaker, a lawyer - Life Bursts Episode 49

    An unusual peacemaker, a lawyer - Life Bursts Episode 49

  12. Song: "Darling accept it" By Julia Overeem - Life Bursts Clips

    Song: "Darling accept it" By Julia Overeem - Life Bursts Clips

  13. Don was required to serve in the #Australian Military - Life Bursts Clips

    Don was required to serve in the #Australian Military - Life Bursts Clips

  14. Oh STOP it! You lived in public housing and now have an OAM? Yep! - Life Bursts Clips

    Oh STOP it! You lived in public housing and now have an OAM? Yep! - Life Bursts Clips

  15. How to #hypnotise or stun a #chicken - Life Bursts Clips

    How to #hypnotise or stun a #chicken - Life Bursts Clips

  16. An Interview with a Bikie - Life Bursts Summer

    An Interview with a Bikie - Life Bursts Summer

  17. What's life like growing up in Rockhampton, Queensland? - Life Bursts Clips

    What's life like growing up in Rockhampton, Queensland? - Life Bursts Clips

  18. EXPLOSIVE! From a misfit to an exciting career - Life Bursts Episode 41

    EXPLOSIVE! From a misfit to an exciting career - Life Bursts Episode 41

  19. Don, drove the first #self-driving vehicle, A HORSE 🤪 - Life Bursts Clips

    Don, drove the first #self-driving vehicle, A HORSE 🤪 - Life Bursts Clips

  20. A man on a mission to help people - Life Bursts Episode 45

    A man on a mission to help people - Life Bursts Episode 45

  21. OH GEE! She flipped the boat! - Life Bursts Clips

    OH GEE! She flipped the boat! - Life Bursts Clips

  22. How I started a fishing TV show? With Fay Carruthers - Life Bursts Clips

    How I started a fishing TV show? With Fay Carruthers - Life Bursts Clips

  23. Josh! Watch out for that tree! - Being accident-prone - Life Bursts Clips

    Josh! Watch out for that tree! - Being accident-prone - Life Bursts Clips

  24. #Life on a farm can be rewarding and tough - Life Bursts Clips

    #Life on a farm can be rewarding and tough - Life Bursts Clips

  25. How Migration Changed My Life - Life Bursts Episode 3

    How Migration Changed My Life - Life Bursts Episode 3
