2 years agoPerry's Theme Played on Carl's Wisker | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoMy dating life has been a seemingly endless series of disappointments | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoWhat girls talk about when the guys are gone | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoIt's not a party, it's an intimate get together! | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoAll through out history men fall in love with women | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoHey, have you seen Perry around? Cause I haven't. | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoThe name is Doofenshmirtz! Like in 'Doofenshmirtz' | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoYou were right, I never should have taken that job hanging anvils | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoWhen your flight is leaving and your producers want to subvert story cliches | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoAnd there is also the issue of your sister stranded on a distant planet | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for