Andy Schectman | Death of Petrodollar Accelerated After Saudi Arabia Didn’t Renew 50 Year Agreement on June 8th | Dollar Hegemony Has Ended | What is Project mBridge? | “You Can’t Get Out of The Way of What you Don’t See Coming”
Clay Clark | “The U.S. Dollar is on it’s Death Bed” | It’s Not if But When | How Can We Prepare Now? | “There is an Attack on Our Health and Our Wealth That is Coming”
FLASHBACK: Trump said "We fight and spend billions and billions and even trillions of dollars defending the borders of countries that are 7,000 miles away, but they don't want to spend any money to defend our border. Makes no sense."
Andy Schectman | BRICS Introducing a NEW Gold Backed CURRENCY Called The UNIT? | Will Our Dollar Start to Lose HEGEMONY After BRICS MEETING in Russia in October? | “98% of Countries That Make up The World’s GDP All Have CBDCs in Operation”