2 years agoአጋጣሚ_አይደለም__ዘማሪ_ሊቀ_ዲያቆን_ነብዩ_ሳሙኤል_agatam_ayidelem ethiopian orthodox mezmur wudase tubeMitik
2 years agoDaniel Alemayehu - Ante Kalk | አንተ ካልክ- New Amharic Protestant Mezmur (Official Video)Addis Zimare
2 years agoBereket Belete - Yemamelkih | የማመልክህ - New Amharic Protestant Mezmur (Official Video)Addis Zimare
2 years agoDure Hierpa - Tegelete | ተገለጠ - New Amharic Protestant Mezmur (Official Video)Addis Zimare
11 months agoEthiopian Orthodox Tewahido mezmur by zemarit Marta Hailu - የዘማሪት ማርታ ኃይሉ ቆየት ያሉ ተወዳጅ ዝማሬዎች!ሐመረ-ማርያም ቲዩብ
2 years agoSolomon Abate - Felighalehu | ፈልግሃለሁ - New Amharic Protestant Mezmur (Official Video)Addis Zimare
2 years agoAbenezer Fikru - Bemenfeseh Mulagn | በመንፈስህ ሙላኝ - New Protestant Mezmur (Official Video)Addis Zimare
2 months agoመዝሙር ወጸሎተ ቅዳሴ፤ እሑድ ታኅሣሥ ፳/፳፻፲፯ ዓ.ም. - Mezmur and Devine Liturgy, Sunday December 29, 2024EOTCDebreBerhan
2 months agoመዝሙር ወጸሎተ ቅዳሴ፤ እሑድ ታኅሣሥ ፳/፳፻፲፯ ዓ.ም. - Mezmur and Devine Liturgy, Sunday December 29, 2024EOTCDebreBerhan
2 years agoFirehiwot Tafesse - Yemihret Zemen | የምህረት ዘመን - New Protestant Mezmur (Official Video)Addis Zimare
1 year agoየእናታችን ቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም የምስጋና መዝሙሮች/yeenatachin kidist dingl mariam mezmur/ethiopia orthodox mezmurAMEN MEDIA ZEORTHODOX
1 year ago🔴 ፍልፍሉ ጋዜጠኛዋን በሳቅ ገደላት | Bereket Bekele Filfilu Very Funny #Comedy#SaqTera#- በስንቱ | Seifu on EBScomclinic
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