4 months agoLive Baccarat - Went to level 30. 1821 unit drawdown. Persistently low hit rate finishing at 44%.Crack the Baccarat Code
4 months agoLive Baccarat - 634 units in 88 minutes with Pure LCS Money ManagementCrack the Baccarat Code
5 months agoLive Baccarat - Oscar's Grind LCS Test. (It's NOT regular OG, which has been 100% proven to fail.)Crack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoLive Baccarat - 51 units won in 118 minutes with 43.2% hit rate and 74 unit drawdownCrack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoLive Baccarat - Pure LCS Money Management - Whoever called this Kamikaze... was right.Crack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - 100 units in 41 minutes with a new money managementCrack the Baccarat Code
5 months agoLive Baccarat - 60 units with OG LCS MM & Big Eye Chop or Repeat with T2s add-on BSCrack the Baccarat Code
4 months agoLive Baccarat - Grand Marty - 104 units in 59 minutes with 53.7% hit rateCrack the Baccarat Code
2 months agoLive Baccarat - LCSD set to 0.85 - 31 units, 45 minutes, 40.2% hit rate, 59 unit drawdown.Crack the Baccarat Code
3 months agoLive Baccarat - Had to switch to ROG to recover. Up & down progressions get STUCK, period.Crack the Baccarat Code
4 months agoHow to win at baccarat with the Rigel Castle App with the "Haku Sr" money management. 2nd shoeRichGambles
6 months agoLive Baccarat - 34 units - Not so good performance with Big Eye Terrible TwosCrack the Baccarat Code
6 months agoLive Baccarat - I increased the unit size, but it's still a 2500+ unit bankrollCrack the Baccarat Code