Hierarchy Children Do Not Have an Easy Life, They Have To Take Part in Sex Magick and are Trained to Do Things in the Luciferian Brotherhood (including Murder) + Gloria Vanderbilt Showed Jessie How to Drown a Baby, Took In Its Last Breath
The Witch Battle Between Beyoncé and Meghan Markle For the Late Gloria Vanderbilt's Grand High Priestess Position + The Subsequent Declaration by Beyoncé, the New Grand High Priestess
Gloria Vanderbilt + Music Industry, Jay Z is a High Priest, Beyoncé is a Grand High Priestess (Took GV's Position), Superbowl Half-Time Show + Types of Magick + Party in the Desert, Mad Hatter Hat, High Wizard, Grand High Priest/Vampire Regent Lord
Gloria Vanderbilt Created Scenes Depicting Suicide That Came True + People First Need to Understand the Depth of Evil To Understand the Justice That's Required + This Was Done To Them First + Beta Kitty Sex Slaves
The Midsummer Solstice Ritual Occurs Before the 12-Year-Old or First Blasphemy Ritual which involves Gang Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Full Initiation + Jessie Saw 2 of those Rituals at Gloria Vanderbilt's House