DC Restaurant Releases Brutal Statement Announcing Firing of Woke Employee/Legal Team Fights Hospital’s Agenda to Schedule Nurses to Help with Abortions/Trump CRUSHES ABC News and George Stephanopoulos to Win Defamation Suit – ABC and Disgraced Host M
Appeals Court Trashes SEC’s Demands for Board Diversity/DC Food Workers Vow to Commit Economic Suicide by Making the Restaurant Experiences of Incoming Trump Officials Miserable/USAF Documents Expose Purge of ‘Straight White Male Population’ In Offi
FBI Seize Diddy ‘Freak Off’ Tapes Featuring Prince Harry in Illegal Acts/Teenage Girl Who Helped Beat Disabled Man to Death in DC Says She Did It Because She Was ‘Bored’/Canadian Woman Begs Trudeau Regime To Stop Trying To Euthanize Her Healthy Fa