Paediatrician talks to Dr Robert Malone about vaccinating children. He also says 50% of jabbed pro athletes may be walking around with undiagnosed myocarditis and are at risk of sudden death
This blood taken from a "vaccinated" patient. After three minutes STARTED Clotting! It usually takes 30 minutes for blood to clot in an SST tube, not 3 minutes.
Vaccine-injured woman from B.C. breaks her silence Pennington, a mother of two, small business owner and wife, suffered from multiple adverse reactions after 'doing her part' by taking her first shot!
ITALY HEALTH CARE SYSTEM COLLAPSE - EU MEPS PRESS CONFERENCE - mandates Are Crumbling Countries And Their Citizens!!! #StopTheMandates #NoVaxxPass EVER!!!!!!
Naples, Italy 🇮🇹: The mayor banned fireworks on New Year's eve, due to Covid restrictions. €500 fine for anyone who violates the rules. This is how the Italians responded to these Covid restrictions: