Entrepreneurship | Practical Plan for Building a Successful Business: How to Optimize Your Business Including: Branding, Marketing, Sales, Customer Service, Workflow Design, Human Resources, SEO, Accounting, Etc.
Yuval Noah Harari | "Most Legal Systems Are Based On a Belief In Human Rights. Human Rights,Just Like God In Heaven Are Just a Story That We've Invented. Take a Human Being, Cut Him Open, You Won't Find Any Rights."
"Sacrificing Liberty" - Hear the shocking stories by the men who were there, aboard USS Liberty that fateful day! - INTRO Begins with Candace & Survivor Phillip Tourney
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | Long-Term Clay Clark Client & CPA, Josh Spurrell Shares His 4X Growth Story www.Spurrell.CA + Brett Raio Covers "Fast Car" + Join Tim Tebow At Clay Clark's June 5-6 Business Conference