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1 month agoJonathan Roumie speaks about the most touching exoerience ever- interacting with his fanstoPeople
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1 year agoCatholicism vs Protestantism-George Farmer debates Protestantism with Allie Beth StuckeytoPeople
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2 months agoТакер Карлсон и Вивек Рамасвами говорят о будущем Америки и мира сразу после победы ТрампаtoPeople
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1 month agoPresident Trump full inauguration speech with my comments and reaction- better days are comingtoPeople
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1 month agoDonald Trump the 47'th president of USA-The 60th Presidential Inauguration CeremonytoPeople
1 month agoСкотт Риттер говорит о том, что Украина погружается в хаос после ответных ударов ПутинаtoPeople