Mark of the Beast | "Would You Let Someone Implant a Microchip Into Your Hand If You Would Receive $2,000 Per Month? Think This Is a Conspiracy Theory? Here's the Tokenization Process In the Words of the BIS." - Clayton Morris (7/25/23)
CBDCs | "CBDCs Are Coming to Take Your Privacy. A Controlled Demolition, That Is What You Are Watching Right Now." - Clayton Morris (Redacted Podcast) | Explaining How to Collapse of the Dollar Is Designed to Usher In Central Bank Digital Curren
Mark of the Beast | "Would You Let Someone Implant a Microchip Into Your Hand If You Would Receive $2,000 Per Month? Think This Is a Conspiracy Theory? Here's the Tokenization Process In the Words of the BIS." - Clayton Morris (7/25/23)
GOLD | "The Small Local Banks Are About to Fail. The Banking Sector Is In Real Trouble" - Clayton Morris + "You've Got This Switch Right Here & No More BTFP Come March 12th of 2024, And Surely Means a CBDC." - Gammon
"These hurricanes are CONTROLLED, we have the proof" Dane Wigington | Redacted w Clayton Morris | Link to The Dimming Geoengineering Documentary & other documentaries below in the description box