Dr. Scott Jensen | Has America Been Played? Did Anthony Fauci & Big Pharma Effectively Deceive America? Exposing the TRIAD of Tyranny | The Truth About the COVID-19 Models, the COVID-19 Tests and the COVID-19 Shots
BlackRock | Why Did President Trump TRUTH Out “Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Is Fantastic?” Is BlackRock’s Asset Buying A.I. Is the World’s Most Powerful Entity On the Planet? Dr. Fauci 2.0? Why Did Moody’s Just Cut Ratings of 10 U.S. Banks?
Fake Science | Has Fake Science Been Used to Implement REAL TYRANNY? Birx, Gates, Gore, Harari, Fauci & Kerry In Their Own Words "The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is Not Really About Truth. It's About Power." - Y. Harari
General Flynn & Julie Green | Why Was Patent #US7279327B2 Created By the UNC at Chapel Hill (Methods for Producing Recombinant Coronavirus)? "We Were Lied To. Within 6 Min I'm In a Shouting Match w/ Fauci!" - Peter Navarro