1. More Winter Feeding - Dealing with a Rebel Ewe

    More Winter Feeding - Dealing with a Rebel Ewe

  2. 2022 EWE Wagons East: Raven Roost Trip – 10/9/2022

    2022 EWE Wagons East: Raven Roost Trip – 10/9/2022

  3. EWE Little Naches Christmas Tree Trip - 11/26/2022

    EWE Little Naches Christmas Tree Trip - 11/26/2022

  4. EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 4 (Gallagher & Van Epps) - 7/14/2022

    EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 4 (Gallagher & Van Epps) - 7/14/2022

  5. EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 2 (WABDR Section 3 & Liberty) - 7/12/2022

    EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 2 (WABDR Section 3 & Liberty) - 7/12/2022

  6. EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 3 (Part 1 - Liberty) - 7/13/2022

    EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 3 (Part 1 - Liberty) - 7/13/2022

  7. EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 3 (Part 2 - Gallagher) - 7/13/2022

    EWE North Cle Elum Ranger District 4×4 Overland Trip: Day 3 (Part 2 - Gallagher) - 7/13/2022

  8. EWE Divide Ridge 4×4 Trip - 9/4/2022

    EWE Divide Ridge 4×4 Trip - 9/4/2022

  9. EWE Wagons East: Naches Pass 4x4 Trip - 10/8/2022

    EWE Wagons East: Naches Pass 4x4 Trip - 10/8/2022

  10. Robin watches as hoggett ewe lambs feed, waiting his turn

    Robin watches as hoggett ewe lambs feed, waiting his turn

  11. EWE Yakima River Canyon: Truck/Camper Overland Trip - 3/13/2022

    EWE Yakima River Canyon: Truck/Camper Overland Trip - 3/13/2022

  12. The Delicious Recipe shares Ewe Stew, Imbolc Style with guest Varla Ventura F2_2023

    The Delicious Recipe shares Ewe Stew, Imbolc Style with guest Varla Ventura F2_2023
