General Flynn | President Trump Reinvigorates the U.S. Military With 4 More Executive Orders + “What Gets Checked Gets Done.” - General Flynn + All-Star Guest Lineup: Sorchini, Schectman & Renz On the Future of Money / CBDCs
Rothschild's Gaza Land Grab -- ROMAN EMPIRE 2.0 -- Only 3% Of Jewish Israelis Think Trump’s Ethnic Cleansing Plan For Gaza Is Immoral | Three percent. If that isn’t a sign of a morally diseased society, I don’t know what would be.
Climate Change | "For Scientists It Is Unequivocal. Humans Are to Blame. The Era of Global Warming Has Ended, the Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived." - Antonio Guterres (U.N. General-Secretary) + "We Need a Vast Military Style Campaign...&q