1 year ago真相语音电话:疫情海啸中的自救(针对公检法与610)Truth voice call: Self-rescue during the epidemic tsunami (for the Public Security Bureau and 610) 2023.01.10法輪大法真相_誓約兌現-「防疫靈丹妙藥」
1 year ago真相语音电话:疫情凶猛,自保有妙招 Truth voice call: The epidemic is fierce, there are tips for self-protection 2020.01.31法輪大法真相_誓約兌現-「防疫靈丹妙藥」
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1 year ago【學著做立委 EP.2 臺灣現況與危機 feat.蘇煥智】民進黨已是吃香喝辣的幫派政黨,執著權力、罔顧民意、放棄改革;離開民進黨成立「臺灣維新」,誓言打擊貪腐,針對臺灣社會問題提出解方!韋恩的地球日誌