Star Wars Now, Learned How to Operate the Spiritual Gates, Operate Through Song + CERN, Sex Magick, Ecstasy + Satan Accuses, Human Unrighteousness, Land Rights, Spiritual Gifts + Demonic Generals, Possession, Satan's Agenda to Usurp the Throne of God
Project Looking Glass, Spiritual Gates, Gateways to the Spiritual Realms, Operate Vertically & Horizontally + See into the Future, The Simpsons + Elon Musk was in Jessie's Group of 3 + Couldn't See Beyond 2024, Written in Book of Revelation
Jessie's Training Partner and their Telepathic Connection, Like Twins + His Mother Found Out that He Was Chosen to Be Jessie's Protector, They Tried to Flee and were Horrifically Killed + His Grandfather (or possibly not), Nazi Michael Karcok
Voice of God Project, End-Times, Agenda: Usurp the Throne of God with a Demonic Army in Human Hosts, Battle of Armageddon + Project I Am, Alpha & Omega Soldiers, Patriot Conferences, Military Programs + Jesus is the Decode, Surrender to His Authority
Jessie Was Fully Trained for her Position by the Age of 10, The Lord Released Jessie from the System at 10-Years-Old, Like a Wedge that Separated Them + Healing, Deliverance, Speaking Out + Halloween of 1984, Breaking Code of Silence, House Fire
2024, The Second Coming of Christ, We Are in the Last Days But More Has to Happen First + The Anti-Christ + Elon Musk, Insider Knowledge, Family Member Was a Nazi, Posture, Jessie Has Been Told That Musk is Out of the System
Gloria Vanderbilt + Music Industry, Jay Z is a High Priest, Beyoncé is a Grand High Priestess (Took GV's Position), Superbowl Half-Time Show + Types of Magick + Party in the Desert, Mad Hatter Hat, High Wizard, Grand High Priest/Vampire Regent Lord
Ruined a Ritual & Was Punished, Rescued by Jesus - Man on Fire, Told Him She Wants Them All to Come Out of the System, Training Partner Made Her Promise to Get Him Out + The Lord Raised Jessie's Training Partner From the Dead
The Lord Told Jessie She'd Give Her Testimony Right in Front of Their Faces + Jessie's Son Josiah Was Killed the Same Day She Turned in an Affidavit + Not Getting Due Process in the Courts so Now Wants to be Heard Before Congress #LetJessieSpeak
US Military Involvement, Michael Karcok Trained Michael Aquino and John Brennan, Spiritual Gates and Military Programs + Adrenochrome Use and Effects + Is Adrenochrome Powder Being Added to the Military's Food Supply?
Jessie's Childhood, Mother's Family are High Level in the Luciferian Brotherhood + Lilly, Mexican Woman at Church, Jessie Accepted Jesus at 3, Chosen as Successor to the Queen Mother of Darkness
Structure of the Luciferian Brotherhood, Mothers of Darkness, Merlin, Satanic Council, Grand High Priests & Priestesses, Satan + Hight Priests & Priestesses, Quadrants, Assets, Hierarchy and "Expendable" Children + Food Supply, Curses