Silicon Valley Bank | Bank Runs? | "SVB Depositors We Get 50% On Mon / Tues & the Balance Based On Realized Value Over the Next 3-6 Months Over the Next 3-6 Months. I Expect There Will Be BANK RUNS Beginning Monday." - Bill Ackman
Yuval Noah Harari | Where Did Yuval Noah Harari Come From? Why Is He Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates? "If Millions of People Stop Believing In the Dollar It Loses All of Its Value."
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Think It's Important to Bring Science to As Many People As People. The Chief Value of Science Is Power. Science Is Mainly About Gaining Power Against the World. Science Is Not About Truth, It's About Power."
Inflation | "People Don't Know What the U.S. Dollar Is." - Robert Kiyosaki | "The Dollar Has Lost 94% of Its Value Since the Day I Was Born." - Warren Buffett